Metabolic Effects of HIIT Training

Group wearing black using the BOARD30 system during a HIIT workout at BOARD30 arvada

HIIT style workouts have risen in popularity quickly. At BOARD30 we know there are plenty of reasons more and more people are turning to HIIT routines. That’s why we have made them an integral part of our program. The positive effects of HIIT training are far-reaching, including the metabolic effects.  Metabolic Effect of HIIT Training…

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Infused Water Recipes to Boost Your Water Intake

a mix of oranges and pomegranates sliced in half so their seeds show

We all know that water is an important part of our diet and health. It makes up 60% of our body and provides for many of our body’s functions. Without it our health and well-being suffer, but many prefer a more flavorful taste. Carbonated drinks, juices, and other choices are chosen over the plain taste…

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